By: Ella Cohn, Summer Intern, High Point University

(reviewed by Dr. Maria Zimmitti)

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many others are a painful reminder of the racial injustice in our country. College students have come together to listen, learn, and become allies with the black community. College is a time of new experiences and meeting new people who are different from us. We are of different races and from different cultures. We have an opportunity to learn about each other and from each other. We learn how to open up our minds and hearts and make our own decisions rather than falling back on the ways in which we were raised. As college students, it is important that we stand with our black friends, classmates, teammates, faculty, and community. Here are some ways you can be an ally in college.

· Be an ally in the classroom: Take advantage of the classes that challenge your views and values. Be an active listener, ask questions, and engage in difficult, honest conversations about race and racism.

· Use your voice: Your voice is your superpower. If you hear racist comments on campus, speak up and educate your peers about how their comment perpetuates prejudice and racism. Proactively contact leaders in clubs and Greek life to discuss ways they can promote inclusivity in their chapter.

· Educate yourself: Do your research. If you are not familiar with the history of racism, read about it, listen to podcasts, talk with your black friends and professors. Education is the key to becoming an effective ally.

· Be active: Search for programs where you can volunteer your time or donate money to organizations that promote social justice.

College students are the future. Together we can help change the course of history.